Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Punch-tantra at 'Work' - Langur & The Crocodiles

Once upon a time there was a monkey named 'Vanar', who lived near a swamp infested with crocodiles. Nearby stood a cluster of trees bearing delicious mangoes. To get to those trees 'Vanar' had to cross the swamp tip-toeing on rocks in the slush, except that he could never differentiate between rocks and the crocks. Yet he remained unharmed because of his pact with the crocks. In return for his safety, he had to pluck fruits from the tree for them.

Soon the crocks were bored of mangoes and decided to eat 'Vanar' instead. But a lone monkey would not fulfill their hunger, so they invited 'Vanar' to bring along his troops to the mango cluster for a great mango carnival. They also assured him of their safety and right of way.

It so happened that the troop was already in a crisis. The tree on which they lived,in the midst of a sugarcane field,  had become home of a family of pythons. Everyday a monkey would disappear and the suspicion pointed to their new neighbors. Afraid and insecure, the troops were hunting for a new home. If possible, near to an orchard with abundant food. So when 'Vanar' came with the invite, they were really excited; unlike pythons, crocks could not climb trees, hence they could build a safer home among the crocks.

A general council was called for, chaired by ‘The Langur’ whom they had recently accepted into their folds. A great fighter, and visionary par excellence. He stood a good feet and half taller than the largest among them, a born leader, he quickly assumed the role of a commander of the troops.

Today the monkeys turned to 'Langur' for advice.

“Don't worry, let us go and explore the place. Make sure though that you carry few canes of the sweetest sugarcane along with you.”said the 'Langur'.

The troop arrived at the designated spot on D-Day. The crocks could not take their eyes off the 'Langur', clearly the juiciest amongst the troop. They waited for the monkeys to start feasting on the mangoes, and once the party started, they circled around the trees in a death dance.

The 'Langur' was no fool, he sensed danger. While all the monkeys were busy eating mangoes, the crocks  noticed that 'Langur' was chewing on a sugar cane.

One crock approached 'Langur' and asked him, “Hey honorable one, why are you not eating the mangoes and instead chewing on sugarcane.”

“Of what use is this mango? I chew on a magical sugarcane, which makes me double my size in 48 hours time, you may not believe it, but I was a small kid a week back. See how strong I am now.”
So saying he snatched a piece of the sugar cane and started munching it.

When the lead crock heard this he was astonished.  A magic sugarcane that could double ones size, that too within a week.? He suddenly started daydreaming about how juicy the monkeys would all become, if fed on this magic sugarcane  for a week?

“And why the monkeys, even the crocks could double in size to become all powerful and rule over the forest. The elephants would be easy meat if the Crocks could grow 4 times their size.” he thought to himself.

Quickly the ‘Lead’ crock changed strategy and abandoned all plans of eating the monkeys.

“Better days are yet to come”, he announced to his bask , “Let's wait for 10 more days, and make sure that all monkeys feed on this magic sugarcane,then we can all have 80 pounds of monkeys for each one of us, instead of these shriveled thin monkeys which are good for nothing.”,
He then slyly approached the 'Langur'.  

“Respected Sir,  as I can see, your troop is only half your size, they are weak and emancipated lot, they all could do with a lot of those sugar canes. Why just your troop, even mine are so weak, that its difficult for us to survive in this jungle. Like we jointly did this mango carnival, why don’t we organise a sugarcane carnival?

“Of course your majesty”, replied the 'Langur', “but for that you would all have to come back with us to our abode on a new moon day, when the wolves howl in the darkness and the leaves rustle, and one can’t even see the back of one’s hand. On that night the goddess of cane comes at midnight and bestows her magic on some of the canes. As a token of gratitude for this great mango carnival,  I shall harvest some of those best canes for you.”

“But there is a ‘condition’, since there is a limited number of canes which are magical, every month only 4 crocodiles can come with me”.

Sure Mr.Langur. Please come over on the new mood day and escort us to you abode” he grinned the Crock, baring his razor sharp teeth.

Heaving a sigh, the troop escaped to safety. The clever 'Langur', then proceeded to the Python's  nest, and appealed to the large snake. Oh King Python, you have been our neighbours for a short while. I come with a prayer, We have been losing lot of monkeys  to your hunger. If you will spare our lives I can organise rich food supplies for you & keep you satiated for more than few years. On every new moon day I promise to bring you 4 fully grown crocodiles as a prey. They shall come to the sugarcane field at mid night, where you can partake of their succulent meat.    

The Python King was astonished at this bounty, His family was tired of chasing these small monkeys which could not appease their hunger for more than a day. A large crocodile would be enough to sustain them for a month. He suddenly looked at the 'Langur' with respect. Look I can’t shake on this deal, for I don’t have hands, but its a gentle-python’’s promise, that if you fulfill your promise we shall never touch your troops again.

Ever since that day the 'Langur' has been escorting 4 crocodiles to their death. Soon the swamp was rid of all the crocks. But nature has its own ‘trick up it sleeves’ or ‘leaves’ sound more appropriate. The Python population grew because of abundant food, the Crocks almost got extinct, and the monkeys multiplied in the absence of any predator.

In this process of natural balance, Mr.Langur like all leaders became a victim of his own game, when he could not bring anymore crocks, the King Python swallowed him whole.

Moral of the story :

  1. if you are a niche player do have a larger partner to provide synergy.
  2. Don’t trust your partner, he could do a hostile take over for the purposes of backward integration.
  3. Always hire a smart CEO to counter threats to your  strategic interest.
  4. Whenever your dominant collaborator becomes a threat, look for backups.

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